Financial Institutions Act, 2012
Act 3 of 2012
- Published in Government Gazette 21 on 27 February 2012
- Commenced on 27 February 2012
- [This is the version of this document from 27 February 2012.]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Short title and commencement
This Act may be cited as the Financial Institutions Act 2012 and shall come into operation on the date of its publication in the Gazette.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"affiliate", in respect of any licensed institution means—(a)a company, association, syndicate, partnership or other body of persons corporate or unincorporated in which such licensed institution is a principal shareholder;(b)a company, association, syndicate, partnership or other body of persons corporate or unincorporated in which the election of a majority of directors is controlled in any manner by such licensed institution;(c)a company of which the licensed institution is a subsidiary, including a holding company;(d)a company that is under common control with the licensed institution as a subsidiary of another company, including holding companies, or subject to such common control by other means as the Commissioner may determine; and(e)a company, association, syndicate, partnership or other body of persons corporate or unincorporated that is a principal shareholder of another company in which the licensed institutions also is a principal shareholder;"ancillary financial service provider" means a person who engages in providing auxiliary services such as electronic fund transfer services, foreign exchange dealing services, supporting services to financial institutions, and other similar auxiliary financial services;"applicant" means a person interested in obtaining a license under this Act and filing the corresponding application or on behalf of whom such application is filed;"bank" means a company, incorporated in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 1967 or any other law that may replace it, which is licensed under this Act to conduct banking business;"banking business" means the business of receiving funds from the public through the acceptance of money deposit and using such funds for loans or other financial activities;"borrower" means a person who or institution that, has applied for credit or has entered into a credit agreement with the credit provider;"branch" means any place of business of a financial institution that is open to the public, and includes a mobile office and an automated teller machine;"capital base" in respect of any licensed banking financial institution means core capital or tier I and supplementary capital or tier II, and for any licensed nonbank financial institution means an initial investment plus subsequent investments made by an investor into the portfolio;"collateral substitute" means collateral not ordinarily used as security in conventional banking;"Commissioner" means the Central Bank of Lesotho established by the Central Bank of Lesotho Act, 2003;"Companies Act" means the Companies Act 1967 or any law replacing it;"company" has the meaning assigned to it in the Companies Act;"competent authority" means administrative authority or law enforcement agency concerned with preventing or detecting a criminal activity and shall include the financial intelligence authority and supervisory authorities;"compliance risk" means a risk arising upon a financial institution’s failure to comply with laws, regulation, rules, or failure to comply with the code of conduct applicable to its activities or failure to comply with its own policies and procedures;"compulsory savings" means funds that must be contributed to by borrowers of an institution as a condition for receiving a loan either as a percentage of a loan or as a nominal amount;"control" means having a relationship with a person that makes it possible to exercise a direct or indirect power to determine its financial and operational policy or to influence its decision-making or management pursuant to its Memorandum and Articles of Association or to an agreement or in any other manner;"core capital" means for non-bank financial institutions, shareholders’ equity in the form of issued and fully paid-up shares including retained reserves approved by the central bank;"counterparty risk" means the probability that a counterparty may not meet its obligations as they fall due;"court" in relation to any licensed institution means the High Court of Lesotho and, in relation to any offence against this Act, includes a subordinate court having jurisdiction in respect of that offence;"credit business" means the business of extending credit to any person from sources other than deposits from the public;"credit guarantee fund" means a financial back-up aimed at facilitating bank lending to businesses by mitigating the risk of non-repayment;"credit risk" means the potential that a borrower or counterparty may fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms, resulting in economic loss to a financial institution;"currency or foreign exchange risk" means the current or probable risk to profits and capital, arising from adverse movements in currency exchange rates;"deposit" means—(a)a sum of money paid on terms—(i)under which it will be repaid, with or without interest or a premium, and either on demand or at a time or in circumstances agreed by or on behalf of the person making the payment and the person receiving it;(ii)which are not referable to the provision of property or services or to the giving of security, and for the purposes of this paragraph, money bond is paid on terms which are referrable to the provision of property or services or the giving of security if, and only if—(aa)it is paid by way of advance or part payment for the sale, hire or other provision of property or services of any kind and is repayable only in the event that the property or services is or are not in fact sold, hired or otherwise provided;(bb)it is paid by way of security for payment for the provision of property or services of any kind provided or to be provided by the person by whom or on whose behalf the money is accepted; or(cc)it is paid by way of security for the delivery or return of any property, whether in a particular state of repair or otherwise;(b)money or other assets contributed by investors to participate in a collective investment scheme;"deposit taking institution" means a bank or a specialised deposit taking institution;"deposit taking microfinance business" means a microfinance business in which the person conducting the business holds himself out as accepting deposits on a day to day basis;"director" includes any person, by whatever title he may be referred to, carrying out or empowered to carry out substantially the same functions in relation to the direction of licensed institution as those carried out by a director of a company incorporated under the Companies Act, and any person in Lesotho responsible for carrying out such functions for a licensed institution not incorporated in Lesotho;"exposure" means the risk of loss that a licensed financial institution has with a single person or a group of inter-related persons, because of credit facilities, offbalance sheet items, including guarantees, holding of shares, investments or placements and other contingent liabilities;"financial activities" means any of the activities referred to in section 27;"financial cooperative" means a financial institution that is owned and operated by its members to provide products and services that are comparable to those offered by major diversified banks;"financial institution" means a deposit taking institution or a non-deposit taking institution carrying out financial activities as stipulated in its licence, irrespective of whether it is a banking or a non-banking financial institution;"financial year" means, for the purpose of this Act, the period from first January until December thirty first of each year;"foreign financial institution" means a financial institution, authorised or registered to conduct banking or other financial business under the laws of any state, country, colony, or territory other than Lesotho, doing banking business or other financial business in Lesotho, whether incorporated or not;"group of interrelated persons" in respect of any financial institutions means those persons referred to under section 28(2);"insider" means—(a)a principal shareholder in a licensed institution;(b)a member of the board or directors, the audit committee, or anyother official of a committee of the licensed institution;(c)a member of the senior management of a licensed institution, including the chief executive officer, the president, vice president, chief accountant, chief lending officer, chief treasury, or their equivalents, as well as any person who alone, or together with one or more has the authority to enter into commitments on account of the licensed institution;(d)any employee of a licensed institution who is responsible for the management of one or more of the risks to which a financial institution is exposed namely—(i)solvency risk;(ii)liquidity risk;(iii)credit risk;(iv)currency risk;(v)market risk (position risk);(vi)interest rate risk;(vii)counterparty risk;(viii)technological risk;(ix)operational risk;(x)compliance risk; or(xi)any other risk regarded as material by the bank;(e)Any person who is related by marriage, blood or kinship to the second degree or business interest to a person listed in this definition;"indirect shareholdings" means those shares held alone or in concert with others through a holding company, an agent or other persons or means;"interest rate risk" means the exposure of a financial institution’s financial condition to adverse movements in interest rates;"large exposure" means an exposure of a licensed financial institution that is equivalent to ten percent or more of its capital base;"licensed institution"—(a)in relation to a financial institution, means an institution licensed under sections 5 and 6; and(b)in relation to an agent of a financial institution or an ancillary financial service provider means licensed under section 12 or 13 respectively;"liquid asset" means an asset which can easily be converted into cash;"liquidity risk" means the potential that an institution will not be able to meet its obligations when they fall due, or the inability to transform its assets into cash or cash equivalent in a timely manner, at a reasonable price;"local financial institution" means a financial institution established under the laws of Lesotho;"market or position risk" means the day-to-day potential for an investor to experience losses from fluctuation in securities prices;"microfinance institution" means an institution licensed to do microfinance business;"microfinance business" means the business carried on as a principal business of—(a)acceptance of deposits;(b)employing such deposits wholly or partly by lending or extending credit for the account and at the risk of the person accepting those deposits, including provision of short term loans to small or micro enterprises and low income households, usually characterised by the use of collateral substitutes such as group guarantees or compulsory savings;(c)transacting such other activities as may, by regulations under this Act, be prescribed by the Commissioner of Financial Institutions;"Minister" means the Minister of Finance;"non-deposit taking institution" means an entity that is not authorised to receive deposits from the public but to perform credit business consisting of certain financial activities as specified in its license as the Commissioner may determine;"officer" means—(a)the chairman or deputy chairman of the board of directors, or president or vice-president;(b)the managing director, the general manager, the chief executive officer, the company secretary or the treasurer;(c)any other individual who holds the title or office or who performs any function similar to those normally performed by the holder of the offices specified in subparagraph or (b);"operational risk" means the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people, systems or from external events;"person" includes any individual or company, partnership, syndicate, association or body of persons, corporate or unincorporated;"place of business" means any branch or office of a financial institution in Lesotho, including a mobile agency, open to the public;"principal interest" means a direct or indirect shareholding of a person, which represents ten percent or more of its capital or the voting rights which makes it possible to exercise a significant influence over such person, as the Commissioner may determine;"principal officers" means the president, the chief executive officer or the secretary of the board of directors;"principal shareholder" means a person holding, directly or indirectly, a principal interest in another person;"promoter" means a person carrying out the necessary tasks for another person to obtain a license under this Act;"related parties" in respect of any financial institution means—(a)any one of its affiliates, insiders or principal shareholders;(b)any firm, partnership, syndicate, association, company or other body of persons corporate or unincorporated in which it or any one or more of its affiliates, insiders or principal shareholders, owner, director, officer, partner, manager, agent, member;(c)any individual, firm, partnership, syndicate, association, company or other body or persons corporate or unincorporated of whom or of which it or any one or more of its affiliates, insiders or principal shareholders is a guarantor; or(d)any persons deemed related person to the persons referred to in these previous subparagraphs (a), (b), or (c);"reputable financial institution" means a financial institution licensed to conduct banking or other financial institution business, which is subject to consolidated supervision in accordance with international standards under the laws of any state, country or territory;"significant influence" means having any interest in a person that makes it possible to exercise a direct or indirect power to determine or control the management or policies of a person;"solvency risk" means the risk that a creditor may lose his entire investment if a debtor cannot pay him in full, even if all the debtor’s assets are liquidated or a probability that financial soundness of financial institution may not allow it to discharge all its obligations when they fall due;"specialised deposit taking institution" means a financial institution authorised to receive deposits from the public and to perform other financial activities of a specific nature as stipulated in their licenses, including microfinance institutions, collective investment schemes, financial cooperatives and other institutions of similar character;"subsidiary" means any company whose voting share is more than fifty percent controlled by another company, including a holding entity;"technological risk" means a risk of loss arising from failure of information technology systems;"unit of risk" means a potential financial loss which may arise from exposures of a financial institution with a group of interrelated persons;"unsecured advances" or "unsecured credit facilities" means advances or credit facilities granted without security; or, in the case of advances and credit facilities granted against security, any part of such advances and credit facilities which at any given time exceeds the market value of the assets comprising the security given, or which exceeds the valuation approved by the Commissioner whenever he or she deems that no market value exists for the said assets.3. Delegation of powers
The Commissioner may delegate the powers conferred upon him or her under this Act.4. Application and exemptions
Part II – Licences
5. Licences
6. Licensing of financial institutions
7. Fees
An applicant shall—8. Licensing criteria and inquiries
9. Minimum capital
10. Decision of Commissioner
11. Conditions
12. Licensing of agents of financial institutions
13. Licensing of ancillary financial service providers
14. License and other fees
15. Use of the word "bank" in title
16. Revocation of licence
17. Names of institutions not to be similar
18. Place of business
19. Capital shares and general conditions
20. Investigation of unlawful business
21. Management and control of repayment of money and assets unlawfully obtained
Part III – Financial requirements and limitations on activities
22. Capital
23. Capital accounts according to risk
The Commissioner shall, by regulations made under this Act, require deposit taking institutions, and may require non-deposit taking institutions, to maintain capital base accounts in an amount not less than a percentage of total assets, contingencies and off-balance-sheet commitments as the Commissioner may specify as capital adequacy ratio, taking into account the different types of risks taken by such financial institution:Provided that the regulations shall include provisions to:24. Provision to be made for certain items
In making the calculations necessary to ascertain that a financial institution has complied with the requirements of sections 22 and 23, provision shall be made to the satisfaction of the Commissioner and of the auditor of such institution appointed under section 35(1) for the following items—25. Minimum local assets
26. Minimum liquid assets
27. Financial activities
28. Limitations on specified operations and activities
Part IV – Secrecy
29. Secrecy
30. Disclosable information
Part V – Offences
31. Offences in relation to entries in books documents etc.
A person who with intent to deceive—32. General penalties
33. Offences by institutions, servants, and agents
34. Failure to maintain minimum requirements
The Commissioner may impose on any financial institution which fails to maintain the minimum requirements prescribed under sections 25 and 26 a penalty based on the amount of the deficiency, as may be specified in the regulations.Part VI – Auditing and reporting
35. Appointment of auditors
36. Auditor to inform the Commissioner
37. Appointment of Board Committees
38. Financial statements
A financial institution shall prepare its financial statements in accordance with the requirements of internationally accepted accounting practices or standards as adopted by the accounting bodies in Lesotho.39. Financial records
40. Annual accounts
Part VII – Directors and officers
41. Board of directors
42. Management
43. Qualifications of directors and officers
44. Duties of directors and officers
45. Conflict of interest
46. False and misleading statements
A director, officer, employee or agent of a licensed institution who, with intent to deceive, makes any false or misleading statement or entry; or omits any statement or entry that should be made in any book, account, report or statement of licensed institution or obstructs or endeavours to obstruct the performance by an auditor of his duties in accordance with the provision of this Act; or a lawful examination of the licensed institution by a duly authorised examiner appointed by the Commissioner commits an offence and is, on conviction liable a penalty of either or both penalties provided in the First Schedule.47. Suspension of director or officer
The Commissioner may, by written order, suspend from office for any period not exceeding one year any director or officer concerned in the management of a licensed institution who fails to take all reasonable steps to secure compliance by the licensed institution with the requirements of this Act:Provided that before a person is suspended he shall be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard in his defence.48. Appointments of directors, officers and branch managers
Part VIII – Supervision of financial institutions and other licensed institutions
49. Responsibility for supervision
The Commissioner shall be responsible for the supervision of financial institutions and other licensed institutions both on an individual basis and on a consolidated basis, as the case may be.50. Returns
A licensed institution shall send to the Commissioner—51. Extension of time
At the request of a licensed institution, the Commissioner may, in his discretion, extend, from time to time, any period within which such financial institution is obliged, under the provisions of this Act, to furnish any document or information.52. Examinations
53. Production of records and information for examiner
54. Power to issue orders or directions
Where, in the opinion of the Commissioner a licensed institution, or any affiliate, director, officer or employee thereof is conducting its business in an unsafe or unsound manner or that it is in an unsound financial condition, or in violation of this Act the Commissioner may require such institution forthwith to take such measures as he may consider necessary to rectify the situation and in particular, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing—55. Publication of information
Part IX – Winding up and seizure
56. Exceptions to Companies Act
57. Acceptance of deposits of funds by insolvent licensed institutions
58. Seizure of licensed institution
The Commissioner may appoint a qualified person to take possession of any licensed institution—59. Notice of seizure
When taking possession of a licensed institution, the Commissioner shall post at each place of business of a licensed institution a notice announcing his action pursuant to section 58, specifying the time when such possession shall take effect.60. Appeal for termination of seizure
Within 10 days after the date on which the appointee of the Commissioner has taken possession of a licensed institution, the institution may institute proceedings in the court to have the seizure lifted.61. Powers and duties of Commissioner’s appointee upon seizure
62. Effects of seizure
When the Commissioner’s appointee has taken possession of a licensed institution—63. Restriction of rights of creditor as to execution in seizure
No execution shall be returned against the assets or property of a seized licensed institution except, in the discretion of the Court, an execution effected pursuant to a judgement rendered prior to the date of the seizure.64. Limitation on duration of seizure
When the Commissioner’s appointee has taken possession of a licensed institution, he shall, within a maximum period of 60 days from the effective date of seizure specified pursuant to section 59—Part X – Abandoned property
65. Unclaimed funds and property
66. Reports and disposition
67. Failure to make a report or payment
A licensed institution which wilfully fails to file the report to the Commissioner, or to pay funds presumed to be abandoned into the custody of the Commissioner, in accordance with section 66 is liable to a penalty of either or both penalties provided in the First Schedule.Part XI – Other requirements and restrictions
68. Reserve for losses due to negligence or dishonesty
69. Restrictions on payments of dividends
70. Credit requirements
Part XII – Miscellaneous
71. Power to make regulations or decisions and issue other acts
72. Financial holidays
73. Substitution for depositor’s signature
In all transactions connected with the opening of, deposit into, or withdrawal from, a deposit account, whenever the depositor is unable to sign, his thumb impression affixed in the presence of an officer of the financial institution shall have the same legal effect as if it were the depositor's signature.74. Immunity
75. Reference to "this Act"
Reference to "this Act" shall include any regulations, determinations, directions, instructions or notices made under this Act.76. Appeals
77. Transitional provisions
78.- Repeal
The Financial Institutions Act of 1999 is repealed.Note
History of this document
27 February 2012 this version
Subsidiary legislation
Title | Numbered title |
Financial Institutions (Licensing Requirements) Regulations, 2016 | Legal Notice 46 of 2016 |
Cited documents 0
Documents citing this one 3
Judgment 2
Act 1
1. | Pension Funds Act, 2019 | 1 citation |