Schedule I (Section 3)
Public International Organisations
African Development BankAfrican Development FundAnglo De Beers Forest Services (Lesotho)Catholic Relief Services Co-operative for American Remittances Everywhere Crown Agents/Customs Cooperative CouncilCustoms Cooperation Council Development Bank of South AfricaEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentEuropean Development FundEuropean UnionFood and Agriculture Organisation Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organisation International Atomic Energy AgencyInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Centre for Settlement of Investment DisputesInternational Civil Aviation OrganisationInternational Committee of the Red CrossInternational Criminal Police OrganisationInternational Development AssociationInternational Finance CorporationInternational Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentInternational Labour OrganisationInternational Maritime Satellite OrganisationInternational Monetary FundInternational Secretariat for Volunteer ServicesInternational Telecommunications Satellite OrganisationInternational Telecommunications UnionInternational Voluntary ServiceInternational Wheat Advisory CommitteeMultilateral Investment Guarantee AgencyMultinational Programming and Operational CentreOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentOrganisation of African UnityOverseas Development AdministrationPreferential Trade Agreement for Eastern and Southern African States Skillshare AfricaThe Southern African Development CommunityUnited International Bureau for the Protection of Intellectual Property United Nations related Agencies and Specialised Agencies of that OrganisationUnited States Peace CorpsUniversal Postal UnionVoluntary Service OverseasWorld Food ProgrammeWorld Health OrganisationWorld Intellectual Property OrganisationWorld Meteorological OrganisationWorld Tourism OrganisationWorld Trade OrganisationWorld University ServicesSchedule II (Section 6)
Goods prescribed for the purposes of section 6(4)
The following goods are prescribed for the purposes of section 6(4):1.Goods imported into Lesotho in respect of which no customs duty is payable in terms of the Customs and Excise Act, 1982, being—(a)goods for Heads of State, Diplomatic, and other Foreign Representatives;(b)used personal effects and sporting or recreational equipment, imported as passengers’ baggage;(c)goods imported as accompanied passengers’ baggage by any person (other than an import from the Republic of South Africa) and cleared at the place where he or she enters Lesotho, being per person—(i)wine, not exceeding the duty free limit specified in the Customs and Excise Act, 1982;(ii)spirituous and other alcoholic beverages, a total quantity not exceeding the duty free limit specified in the Customs and Excise Act, 1982;(iii)manufactured tobacco, not exceeding the duty free limits as specified in the Customs and Excise Act, 1982;(iv)perfumery, not exceeding the duty free limit as specified in the Customs and Excise Act, 1982; or(v)other new or used goods of a total value not exceeding the duty free limit as specified in the Customs and Excise Act, 1982;(d)household furniture and effects, and other removable articles, including one motor vehicle per household and equipment necessary for the exercise of the calling, trade, or profession, being the bona fide property of a natural person (including a returning resident of Lesotho and members of his or her family), imported for own use on a change of residence to Lesotho, but not including—(i)industrial, commercial, or agricultural plant;(ii)alcoholic beverages; or(e)bona fide unsolicited gifts of not more than two parcels per person per calendar year and of which the value per parcel does not exceed the limit specified in the Customs and Excise Act, 1982 consigned by natural persons abroad to natural persons in Lesotho, but not including goods contained in passengers’ baggage, wine, spirits, and manufactured tobacco including cigarettes and cigars;(f)goods imported—(i)for the relief of distressed persons in cases of famine or other national disasters; or(ii)in terms of an obligation under any multilateral international agreement to which Lesotho is a party;(g)goods imported for any purpose agreed upon between the Governments of Lesotho, the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland, and Namibia;(h)goods temporarily admitted for specific purposes; and(i)goods temporarily admitted subject to exportation in the same state -(ii)publications and other advertising matter relating to fairs, exhibitions, and tourism in foreign countries, when imported by a tourist agency of a foreign government recognised by the Commissioner for the purposes of this exemption; or(iii)invalid carriages, whether or not motorised or otherwise mechanically propelled.2.Goods imported into Lesotho in respect of which the Director of Customs and Excise has, in terms of the provisions of the Customs and Excise Act, 1982, granted permission that entry need not be made, being—(a)containers temporarily imported;(c)goods that, in the opinion of the Director for Customs and Excise, are of no commercial value;(d)goods imported under an international carnet; or(e)goods of a value for customs duty purposes not exceeding M500, and on which no such duty is payable in terms of the said Act.3.An import of goods by an employee of a foreign government or public international organisation seconded to Lesotho if—(a)the goods are personal effects;(b)the import takes place within six months of the employee’s arrival in Lesotho; and(c)the exemption is provided for in an international agreement.4.An import of goods, other than registrable goods as referred to in section 85(1), by an individual on which value added tax has been imposed under the law of the Republic of South Africa, provided—(a)the goods are for use or consumption by the individual importing the goods and are not for re-supply or for use in any business of the individual or any other person;(b)the individual has taken delivery of the goods in the Republic of South Africa;(c)the individual has provided the Commissioner with documentary evidence that value added tax has been paid in the Republic of South Africa and a declaration that the tax has not and will not be refunded to the individual; and(d)the total value of the goods does not exceed the limit set out by the Minister in Regulations.Schedule III (Sections 24 and 25)
Value added tax invoices, credit notes and debit notes
1.A value added tax invoice as required by section 24 shall, unless the Commissioner provides otherwise, contain the following particulars—(a)the words "value added tax invoice" written in a prominent place;(b)the commercial name, address, place of business, and taxpayer identification number of the vendor making the supply;(c)the commercial name, address, place of business and taxpayer identification number of the vendor to whom the supply is made;(d)the individualised invoice number and the date on which the value added tax invoice is issued;(e)a description of the goods or services supplied and the date on which the supply is made;(f)the quantity or volume of the goods or services supplied; and(g)either—(i)where a taxable supply is made without a separate amount of being identified as a payment of tax, a statement that the consideration for the supply includes a charge in respect of the tax and the rate at which the tax was charged; or(ii)in any other case, the total amount of the tax charged, the consideration for the supply, and the consideration inclusive of tax.2.A credit note as required by section 25(1) shall, unless the Commissioner provides otherwise, contain the following particulars—(a)the words "credit note" in a prominent place;(b)the commercial name, address, place of business, and the taxpayer identification number of the vendor making the supply;(c)the commercial name, address, place of business, and the taxpayer identification number of the vendor to whom the supply is made;(d)the date on which the credit note was issued;(e)a brief explanation of the circumstances giving rise to the issuing of the credit note;(f)information sufficient to identify the taxable supply to which the credit note relates; and(g)the taxable value of the supply shown on the value added tax invoice, the correct amount of the taxable value of the supply, the difference between those two amounts, and the value added tax charged that relates to that difference.3.A debit note as required by section 25(2) shall, unless the Commissioner provides otherwise, contain the following particulars—(a)the words "debit note" in a prominent place;(b)the commercial name, address, place of business, and the taxpayer identification number of the vendor making the supply;(c)the commercial name, address, place of business, and the taxpayer identification number of the vendor receiving the supply;(d)the date on which the debit note was issued;(e)a brief explanation of the circumstances giving rise to the issuing of the debit note;(f)information sufficient to identify the taxable supply to which the debit note relates; and(g)the taxable value of the supply shown on the value added tax invoice, the correct amount of the taxable value of the supply, the difference between those two amounts, and the value added tax charged that relates to that difference.