This legislation was digitised using the Laws of Lesotho Volumes I – XLVII, which were produced by the Attorney General of Lesotho, as reference. As the volumes do not include precise publication dates, the last day of the year of publication has been used as the date of publication.
Office of Attorney-General Act, 1994
Office of Attorney-General Act, 1994
Act 6 of 1994
- Published in Government Gazette on 31 December 1994
- Assented to on 12 May 1994
- Commenced
- [This is the version of this document from 31 December 1994.]
- [This legislation was digitised using the Laws of Lesotho Volumes I – XLVII, which were produced by the Attorney General of Lesotho, as reference. As the volumes do not include precise publication dates, the last day of the year of publication has been used as the date of publication.]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Office of Attorney-General Act 1994.2. Principal legal advisor
The Attorney-General is the principal legal adviser to the Government of Lesotho.3. Functions of the Attorney-General
In addition to the duties vested in the Attorney-General by the Constitution of Lesotho, the Attorney-General shall represent the Government of Lesotho in all legal proceedings in which the Government is a party.4. Defence of matter at public expense
5. Staff
6. Legal cadre
7. Repeal
The Office of Attorney-General Act 19851 and the Office of Attorney-General Order 19902 are repealed.Notes
The explanatory memorandum to the Office of the Attorney-General Bill 1994 that was introduced into the National Assembly on 4th May 1994 is published as Government Notice No. 48 of 1994.History of this document
31 December 1994 this version
Published in Government Gazette
12 May 1994
Assented to