Labour Court - 1996

15 judgments
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Judgment date
December 1996
Qhojeng v Lesotho Highlands Project Contractors (LC 145 of 95) [1996] LSLC 15 (23 December 1996) 23 December 1996
Mputsoe v Central Bank of Lesotho (LC 120 of 95) [1996] LSLC 14 (13 December 1996) 13 December 1996
October 1996
National Union of Retail and Allied Workers v Sotho Development Corporation (Pty) Ltd (LC 106 of 96) [1996] LSLC 13 (18 October 1996) 18 October 1996
Labour Commission v Highlands Water Venture (LC 144 of 95) [1996] LSLC 12 (16 October 1996) 16 October 1996
September 1996
Kalawe v World Vision International (LC 135 of 95) [1996] LSLC 11 (27 September 1996) 27 September 1996
July 1996
Kane v Lesotho Brewing Co (Pty) Ltd (LC 23 of 95) [1996] LSLC 10 (16 July 1996) 16 July 1996
June 1996
Sefako v Lesotho Planned Parenthood Association (LC 103 of 95) [1996] LSLC 9 (17 June 1996) 17 June 1996
May 1996
Lesotho Clothing and Allied Workers Union (LECAWU) v C&Y Garments (Pty) Ltd (LC 114 of 95) [1996] LSLC 8 (30 May 1996) 30 May 1996
Lesotho General Workers Union v Security Unlimited (Pty) Ltd (LC 12 of 94) [1996] LSLC 7 (14 May 1996) 14 May 1996
April 1996
Mabina v Water and Sewerage Authority (LC 137 of 95) [1996] LSLC 6 (30 April 1996) 30 April 1996
Maboee v Lesotho Agricultural Development Bank (LC 101 of 95) [1996] LSLC 5 (29 April 1996) 29 April 1996
Majara and Others v National Abattoir and Feedlot Complex and Others (LC 26 of 95) [1996] LSLC 4 (16 April 1996) 16 April 1996
March 1996
Ratsebe v Molapo (LC 19 of 94) [1996] LSLC 3 (6 March 1996) 6 March 1996
January 1996
Tšiu v Highlands Water Venture (LC 86 of 95) [1996] LSLC 2 (18 January 1996) 18 January 1996
Pelepele v Lesotho Water and Sewerage Authority (LC 58 of 95) [1996] LSLC 1 (11 January 1996) 11 January 1996