Lesotho Passports and Travel Documents Act, 2018
Act 5 of 2018
- Published in Government Gazette 42 on 8 June 2018
- Commenced on 8 June 2018
- [This is the version of this document from 8 June 2018.]
1. Short title and commencement
This Act may be cited as the Lesotho Passports and Travel Documents Act, 2018 and shall come into operation on the date of its publication in the Gazette.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"applicant" means a person applying for a passport pursuant to this Act;"bearer" means the holder of a passport or travel document in terms of this Act;"biometrics" means a unique and measurable physical characteristic or personal trait used to determine the identity or verify the claimed identity of an enrolled individual that includes face recognition and fingerprints;"biometric sample" means a unique raw data representing a unique biometric characteristic of an applicant as captured by a biometric system;"Contactless integrated circuit" means an electronic microchip coupled to an aerial which allows data to be communicated between the chip and the reading device without the need for a direct electrical connection;"Department" means the Department responsible for passport services;"Director" means a person appointed as a director in the Public Service and is responsible for passport services;"duly authorised officer" means an officer who is authorised to perform passport services functions for a specific day or period;"enroll" means adding applicant’s personal information to the biometric system;"electronic passport" means an electronic machine readable passport which contains a contactless integrated circuit chip which stores data biometric information that can be used to authenticate the identity of the bearer and a security object and complies with International Civil Aviation Organisation standards;"International Civil Aviation Organisation" means a specialised agency of the United Nations which adopts standards and recommended practices concerning, amongst others, facilitation of border-crossing procedures and standardises machine-readable passports world-wide;"Issuing Authority" means the Ministry of Home Affairs;"Government" means the Government of Lesotho;"Minister" means the Minister responsible for passport services;"minor" for the purposes of this law, means a person below the age of sixteen;"passport" means a passport issued in terms of this Act;"refugee" has the same meaning as in the Refugees Act 1983;"travel document" means a travel document issued for emergency purposes.3. Passports to remain property of the Government
Lesotho Passports and Travel Documents shall be issued in the name of the King and remain the property of the Government.4. Establishment of biometric system
5. Data protection and confidentiality
The Director or any duly authorised officer shall not publish or communicate to any person any information recorded in the biometric system except for—6. Power to issue passports and travel documents
7. Persons to whom passports and travel documents may be issued
8. Validity of passports and travel documents
9. Information in the passports and travel documents
10. Application for passport
11. Circumstances under which the Minister may refuse to issue passport or travel document.
12. Surrender of passport or travel document
13. Revocation of passport or travel document
14. Seizure of a passport or travel document
15. Extra-territorial jurisdiction
Proceedings for an offence under this Act may be brought against any person even if the act or omission alleged to constitute the offence did not occur in Lesotho.16. Offences and penalties
A person who—17. Minister to submit report to Parliament
18. Disclosure of information
Nothing in this Act shall prevent or limit any other disclosure of the information which may otherwise be required or authorised by or under any law.19. Regulations
20. Repeals and savings
History of this document
08 June 2018 this version
Published in Government Gazette 42